Members comments:

 =  to Edilberto
adriana anusca
[13.May.05 18:52]
you've got a star and you deserve it; the form of your poem is like a column, flying to hope and faith.
I'll be back, bye, young man!

 =  Flying to love & faith
Edilberto González Trejos
[14.May.05 06:04]
Hello Adriana,
I realised what you are pointing at many, many years after I wrote this text! And I appreciate you to have noted that.
Smart reader you are, even greater writer.
Loved the lines "flying to hope and faith"


 =  fly ... up to the sky
Lory Cristea
[16.May.05 10:58]
this poem gives me the impression that the verses are pieces from angels ... in that case , you seem to be a verse too . I enjoyed the way you fly on the wings of poetry , mixing up with the sky and clouds , mixing up with tears and rain . Good luck !

 =  Ascending
Edilberto González Trejos
[17.May.05 02:34]

These words of yours reveal a sensitive soul & an artist indeed.
Yes, tears and all when I wrote that... And I am glad that final sense that is left in the reader (YOU) is an ascending flight, not a descending one.
Cheers my dear poetess,


 =  message to you
Petre Calin
[22.May.06 12:54]
hey, songo, it's me, the acquarium guy. i've been reading some of your poems and the best, as far as i'm concerned, is kosmosurf. i'm not sure whether you're aware of the semantic and cultural richness of your poem's title, but it really is a semantic and cultural bounty. should you want to talk to me more than through this thing, please write to me at [email protected]
if you like my acquarium so much, why don't you translate it into spanish? i'd be thrilled if you did!
patrick calinescu

 =  opening views
Edilberto González Trejos
[10.Jun.05 01:32]

I appreciate your feedback!
KOSMOSURF is very special to me also.
Your comments have opened many closed views!!!
Sure we will be in touch fellow...
We will see about the translations


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