Comentariile membrilor:

 =  One Love -
Radu Apreotesei
[10.Jan.05 21:43]
... top notch! Would have loved "It's for Freedom!" somewhere in there but I think everyone can feel it.

 =  The Outernational Space Gypsy Consortium
[12.Jan.05 01:47]
The Outernational Space Gypsy Consortium >>>>> "limited xmas edition " is brilliant.

 =  Feed the chains with brainwashed zombies
Diana Pacuraru
[14.Jan.05 21:25]
Now that I know you, I understand your poems differently. Thank u for all your words, for all our discussions...and one more, for understanding ME. I am like one of those twisted and gloomy poems that few people understand and I guess you know this. Indeed, we feed the chains with those ignorant and common "humans"...I mean, working machines. Iron. Like them. Like the world.

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