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+ Wonder
Diana Pacuraru
[04.Oct.05 23:55]
beautiful. beautiful. i have no words to express. it's EXACTLY how i feel. when you find something that can capture a big part of your soul, you remain motionless for a moment, thinking... it got me thinking. this, what you wrote about, it's about my biggest passion, along with music. and don't want to talk too much. i love this poem. hails to you.

 =  musique...
Sorin-Mihai Grad
[14.Oct.05 01:02]
thank you.. i am glad that i am not the only one who likes it

 =  Where does it stink?
Dennis Edward Moustapha
[09.Dec.05 01:33]
When you die you begin to stink. It's body chemistry after all. Some people begin to stink long before they are dead enough. Put some stink in your poetry! It needs it bad!

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