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 =  Coiba - World Heritage Site
Edilberto González Trejos
[16.Jul.05 18:12]
On July 14 this Year, Four out of the seven new world natural heritage sites concerning about marine life have been designated Thursday by the UNESCO's World Heritage Committee (WHC) currently meeting in Durban, South Africa.

Four of the new sites containing outstanding coastal and marine areas are, Shiretoko Peninsula of Japan, the Norwegian Fjords, the Gulf of California in northeastern Mexico and Panama's Coiba National Park.

"These new World Heritage Sites illustrate the global importance of preserving marine bio-diversity for our future well-being, especially commercial fish stocks and endangered species," said David Sheppard, head of World Conservation Union, IUCN's Program on Protected Areas.

One of those places is Panama's Coiba National Park, located in the Gulf of Chiriqui, in the Central Pacific Ocean, whose marine ecosystems described as "repositories of extraordinary bio-diversity.

I was born very close to the Island of Coiba, in Santiago, province of Veraguas. I dedicated this poem to that beautiful place, and now I feel so pleased that it has been declared as a WORLD HERITAGE!



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