Comentariile membrilor:

 =  sow new seeds
adriana anusca
[05.May.05 15:50]
It's the song of hope and faith; nobody, nothing else urged you to set yourself free from the feeling of guilt, from your unpleasant moments in the past and I am sure ' isn't too late/to sow new seeds/in your fertile fields/to feed my mortal hopes/with your immortal faith.'

 =  Reply to Adriana
Edilberto González Trejos
[05.May.05 21:12]
Thanks for your sensible and sensitive comments Adriana.

Your feedback gives many new meanings and senses to my text.

Very truly yours,


 =  to Edilberto
adriana anusca
[06.May.05 08:57]
I can hear some sadness in your reply and the first part of your poem as well, still you shouldn't think of 'betraying flights' anymore and leave the 'dirty pages' too. You are more than a sad poet.

 =  Cheering up
Edilberto González Trejos
[09.May.05 20:27]
Thanks a lot Adriana, these words of yours are a real "cheer up" for me.
Best to you,


 =  check this site
Edilberto González Trejos
[21.Feb.06 21:06]

Good poetry e-magazine

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