Comentariile membrilor:

 =  to any members!!!! specially......
Jradster Butawan
[01.May.05 17:15]
to any members, specially to the editor, manager and administrator....try reading some of my works, nor give comments and decide if I deserve to have an increase in access level...

 =  Is it? braggart
Lennard Liracu
[26.May.05 15:36]
How come the boy finally found his true world?
or maybe He just fell asleep for a long time and then an evolution took place as the world he used to live had turned in to a normal world just like where we live.

By the way how come you are asking for an increase on access level while I see that your text this one Doesn't deserve even a star.

how come you ask for a promotion while some of your text are not suited for stars.

How braggart!
Truly thats how you are made of!!

 =  excuse me!
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[27.May.05 07:59]
How could you say those words, while you don't know my real theme for my own text, how could you judge a person whom you don't know yet! well if thats what you think well then FINE, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?

 =  THE point of view (Liracu)
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[29.May.05 06:27]
as you are asking about the view of my essay, as i can tell you the boy is only an instrument over my text, the real subject on my text is the world where the little boy used to live:

and the point of view is thae evolution of nature, as years passes changes always occur, as everyone said "CHANGES IS THE ONLY PERMANENT IN THIS WORLD"
just try reading more books, especially encyclopedias, turn the page to history, which are about the living creatures on this world, and you will find out that the various creature became extinct because of the sudden changes in their environment, that make no survival point for the ancient creatures.

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