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 =  Shining pen
Edilberto González Trejos
[08.May.05 21:39]
A celestial poem, also a multi-layered one.
It shows a fine sense of esthetics as well as your knowledge of the tools belonging our poetic craft.

Shine on!


 =  Thankyou
Alisdaire O\'Caoimph
[09.May.05 03:15]
Many thanks my friend for such very kind words, I am glad and pleased the poem spoke to you. Slainte Alisdaire

 =  Damned
Diana Pacuraru
[09.May.05 19:52]
I enjoyed this poem because it gives that pleasant and yet painful feeling of being damned. Being damned is being deep, beautiful.

 =  Deep
Alisdaire O\'Caoimph
[09.May.05 20:53]
Many thanks lassie for your kind words.. Damned being deep.. yeah I guess it is.. dont know how deep I would wish to go though...alisdaire

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