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 =  micro/macro
corina dragomir
[13.May.05 07:42]
the bond, although an unusual forfeit, is a serious matter, where appearance vs reality comes in the form of lies, deception and disguise:*like a microscopic fly/inside a megascopic glass/ of whisky./The whole fluid sinks/into my anatomy*. at the core of this poem, human’s incapability of grasping life is plainly roused, a fickle lay-out sprinkled with moth-balls, mostly patched by false projections. good poems indeed, mature poetic approach, powerful tone. I managed to read all texts you posted on agonia and I congratulate you for all of them. My favourite ones are those you wrote in french.:)

I’d change the end by saying:

Right on the edge
Of your heart
Inside our hopelessness.

 =  Good points Corina
Edilberto González Trejos
[14.May.05 06:02]
Dear Corina,

Thanks for your comments. I wrote those verses when I was 19. There was a heavy existencialist load in me by then. However, I keep this text as a remarkable attempt to make poetry **sl**
As for ending suggestion, it sounds good!
You honour me when you write that you like my texts in French! :o)
Feel free to translate them in our Sister Roman Language: ROMANIAN.


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