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 =  Tropical approach
Edilberto González Trejos
[16.May.05 02:58]
Innermost, close & personal poem.
I liked the way you treated the story and the texture of the verses.
Living in a tropical country makes me have a lot of empathy with the sand, sun and beach aspect.
Best to you and write on, poetess,


 =  sandstorm
Lory Cristea
[16.May.05 10:54]
"Tropical" feelings , arid tears , dry desires ... those are the petals of the flower called " poetry" . Perhaps souls like your`s can feel the smell of it - that is the reason why i keep writing them . For you...and for others ...
Hugs - Lory

 =  keep on descovering your worlds
Petrescu Ionut Mihai
[17.Jul.05 18:11]
surprsing you, beautiful images you make here, please forget about the demands of a strict grammar, let these images free, forget about >
I don't know if...
Perhaps it would be nice...

just say it :)


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