Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Bright
Edilberto González Trejos
[01.Jun.05 16:05]
"of all of those who are but don't exist"

I really like this verse, BASTIAN. And I think the poem is brilliant!

Like a good chess match


 =  Bright
Edilberto González Trejos
[01.Jun.05 16:05]
"of all of those who are but don't exist"

I really like this verse, BASTIAN. And I think the poem is brilliant!

Like a good chess match


 =  'on the other side'
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[01.Jun.05 20:33]
Yeah... A good chess match takes good time... Like this text did. Although it's short, I really had to work on it...
About the verse you liked, I can only say that I've wanted to create something strange, but also with a cool image (it's essence is kind of 'on the other side')...
Deep thanks for your comment! All the best to you...

 =  Thank you
Diana Pacuraru
[02.Jun.05 21:44]
It reminded me of an after-rain day in a place I love...with chess tables and forgotten souls...and forbidden dreams. Thank you.

 =  ...memories...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[02.Jun.05 23:34]
Glad that I can create images that you love...
Thank you too... All the best!

 =  You
Diana Pacuraru
[04.Oct.05 23:42]
How are you? I came back and read this poem, the words are even more striking.

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