Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Truly!
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[22.May.05 06:56]
Yes I really I appreciate this one you made recently, Something just happened to me last night and it is very tiring, I hate to be sad just because of a very sensitive affair that causes you to think negatively, I think I should cry for it for a quiet sometimes

 =  .
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[22.May.05 13:25]
I'm sorry for my typo, what i mean is I appreceate it as well.( correction for my typo)error typing, on i really i appreciate, which happens to be that I should remove the I on the middle of really and appreciate.

 =  so sad...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[25.May.05 15:09]
Yeap! Really know what you meant...(been there, done that)
I always think about yesterday instead of thinking about tomorrow...and, then, the present is sad, so sad...
Best wishes! ...Bastian...

 =  Alvin
Yulia Volkova
[26.May.05 15:40]
Thanks for stoping here :) and i'm very glad that you know this sad present i'm talkinf about.Actually, i think we all have a sad present everyday,but we try not to observe it.


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