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 =  gorgeous painting
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[23.May.05 13:01]
You really created nice images here...
'the kiss of the moon',
'the clouds of foam'... I couldn't have done it better myself... And drawing the 'stars which whisper their destiny' over the night painting already lighten by the full moon's charm, makes everything even more gorgeous...
Keep this sweet style of yours on the edge...or better...!
All the best to you! ...Bastian...

 =  it is an honour...
Sorana Lucia Salomeia
[30.May.05 11:41]
Thank you so much, Bastian, for keeping reading my works and for your kindness of posting such beautiful and encouraging comments. What more can I say than that I am truly honoured to receive such positive reactions to my literary works. Best regards! Sorana

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