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 =  beyond definition
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[28.May.05 16:55]
Your poem sounds like a kind of sky trance dance..., between 'moonlight rays', 'sunshine' and 'clouds in motion'.
I also find interesting the epithet 'golden shrine', which I believe that is the key of the poem,...identifying its 'shape' makes your text easier to understand...
Beyond definition...
All the best to you! ...Bastian...

 =  Surfing on...
Edilberto González Trejos
[28.May.05 20:28]
"Sky trance dance"!!! that was great, Bastian.
It`s about setting yourself free, letting your mind loose, explore unthreaded realms...
Looking for your Inner Sun, diving deep into yourself, flying high up tp your Stars!
Thanks for your words Bastian, in fact you put it masterfully: BEYOND DEFINITION.


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