Comentariile membrilor:

 =  ...I'LL BE BACK...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[28.May.05 18:47]
Outstanding personifications...outstanding everything!
Emotion, infinity, deep essence of...
Damn! I really like this poem... It's so close to what I write...
Dear Roxana, you deserve a star for this... And I sware 'by the moon and the sun in the sky' ('by the BROKEN MOON and by the BROKEN SUN in the sky')that, as soon as I'll get to level 120, you will receive it... It's a promise!
All the best to you! ...Bastian...

 =  Indeed!
Dennis Edward Moustapha
[28.May.05 19:13]
What can I say! She's fine! Soooo fine!!! And not just the poetess part! I forsee you will become a most respected writer. And not just on this website.

 =  Fine poetry
Edilberto González Trejos
[01.Jun.05 03:13]
A slight reminiscence of Joyce ... However, this poem of yours is quite authentic.
Rich text full of symbols and fine poetry


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