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 =  "The Apocalypse is on strike..."
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[30.May.05 16:56]
Nice story you have here!
Scary, but in the sweetest way ever... I like the part with the begging vampires... It sounds cool. Until the Apocalypse will finish its strike, I think I'm gonna take a rest too.
Best wishes! ...Bastian...

 =  Thank you...
Oana Balta
[04.Jun.05 01:51]
Thank you for giving me the first comment on this poem!I'm very happy about this!Still, there is a problem or at least I seem to have aproblem.Was it so frighteningly sweet?!I was joking!I hope you check out my future poems and wish you all the luck in the world!
See you soon! Oana

 =  transcendental innocence
andreea l.
[28.Aug.05 20:09]
i'll lie down, my head on a pillow, drowning myself up in the sky until i get the chance to see "the slaughter-house of Creation" from the inside.

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