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 =  ...stone dead...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[04.Jun.05 11:07]
Nice idea. The child (our soul)is being destroyed every day with each word we say, with each step we take towards 'the deaf land'... And that's all there is... If we are that blind, if we can not even see the last glittering of our conscience, if we can not hear its last scream, then...
the child within us will really be stone dead...
Good poem... Points out strong facts...
All the best! ...Bastian...

 =  you've seen the truth :)
Yulia Volkova
[04.Jun.05 21:49]
Thanks a lot for stoping at my page. I'm really glad that you liked my poem and especially that you got its main idea.

Best wishes,

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