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 =  nice & simple
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[06.Jun.05 16:25]
Nice & simple...'Tender & bright'... I believe that the best way to get to a person's soul is through an embrace... And that's about it.
Hope you don't mind if I'll take a biscuit from your table... :) ...Bastian...

 =  Postal poem ... and biscuits
Edilberto González Trejos
[06.Jun.05 22:35]
Hello Bastian,
My fellow poet, I must confess I had a hard time accepting this poem as of my own authorship... (I didn`t want to accept this son).
Now I love it dearly, and I have found that people actually LIKE IT, whether in English or Spanish... There is positive feedback.
I see it now as a "postal-poem" :o)
Never mind about the biscuits, my friend...


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