Comentariile membrilor:

 = beautiful...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[08.Jun.05 14:17]
I can not leave a comment for all of your poems, so I guess I'll leave one here for all of your texts. But first, one advice: when you want to post your texts, please, do post just one or two. They occupy too much space from the main poetry page and other texts are losing views because of this. It's available for all of those who do this. Now, I've wanted to say that your creations, all of them, are just...great.
I love every sentence, every word... Every word creates images and feelings that I can hardly sweep from my mind after I read them... So beautiful... Thanks for your poems!
Best wishes! ...Bastian...

 =  white fall...
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[08.Jun.05 14:26]
this is one of my latest...yeah, i know about posting. i promise not to post to much from now on. i am so very happy you like the poems...what is there more to say...
about this poem..this is a white fall...a continuous fall, where you never touch the if you could picture yourself falling through the skies, through chaos...through the depths of your is the fall we all must agreed order to understand...who we are...what secular knowledge is imprinted in our souls...the small shining mote of star we each carry...

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Înapoi !