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 =  ...cute...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[15.Jun.05 15:10]
Do you know 'Where the wild roses grow...' (Kylie Minogue & Nick Cave)?... I really don't know why, but your poem reminds me of that melody...It has a bizarre essence...
Yet I love the fragrance you inserted in it... By the way, I observed you changed 'W.Allflower'... Cute...:)
All the best 2U! ...Bastian...

 =  within the brilliance
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[15.Jun.05 20:10]
I know the song...I think I saw the video once...but, hmm...I didn't really pay attention...I know it is weird indeed...franky, I don't know where the inspiration came...I guess this one dates for about a year and a half... was about time I had changed was the pseudonym for my first volume...I guess i was in an idenity crisis back then...but now, I'm back :)))... Tsuki no Princess... :)) it's ages...
Kagayaki no naka de hajimaru subete- Within the brilliance begins everything...
all the best,

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