Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Short but powerful
Oana Balta
[06.Jul.05 00:06]
Your poem is very romantic and delicate.In only three lines you describe what others try to in thousands,so I feel the urge to congratulate you!
Keep up the good work!

 =  Short & Wise
Edilberto González Trejos
[29.Jun.05 15:57]
Beautiful & wise!!!
There is a universe underneath your short verses


 =  Haiku and me
sergiu silvestru
[06.Jul.05 03:51]
Thank you for the feedback. Since I don't have a literary background, only a visual one, Haiku suits me best. I think I have the eyes of a poet, but I lack the words :) . Trying to fit lived experiences into such short verses is a really fun, mind-stimulating and fullfilling exercise.

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