Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Nothing
Radu Ybarola
[06.Jul.05 00:07]
convergence of blackhole leads the path going through the ocean of blood and a river of tears.

 =  Giving warmth without light
Edilberto González Trejos
[28.Jun.05 16:07]
"Out of the cold darkness
The blue flame scorched
Giving warmth without light."

This one is really BRIGHT!
Loved the figure "warmth without light", Josh.
Many friends called me "Black Hole" years ago, so I feel related to it.
Desperation of existing, barely living.

Cheers Poet


 =  I'm not alone
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[30.Jun.05 08:18]
Thanks songo for the compliment, perhaps your words has given me a bit of comfort for knowing that I am not alone, Sometimes I feel like I exist in the convergence of total obscurity, in which I lost everything especially my senses, (I hear no music, My voice had vanished, my eyes became blind, and I lost my feelings together with my intuition.)

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