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 =  ...'enchained in the transience'...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[01.Jul.05 11:40]
Symbolistic to the bones! This poem is loaded with synesthesias, all gathered up to reveal the sensation of loneliness and the one of being enchained, closed in a world with ephemeral glitterings (sensation also given by the verses 'Within this corpse I've found my toy, And yet inside him I am locked')...,this effect is obtained also by using the oxymoron (for example 'cold gold')... From the image of a world where even gold, the symbol of light and warmth, is cold, we can only understand that the 'Soft Idylls' themselves are nothing but a 'gory' shade of solitude. Hope I've understood it corectly...
I appreciate your style, dear Roxana! Keep it on!
Deep best wishes!

 =  ...and something I've forgot to mention...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[01.Jul.05 11:47]
And I've forgot (Sorry!)... One question: Would it not sound better..." And yet inside it I am locked" instead of "And yet inside him I am locked"? Because we're talking about a corpse here, it's a 'what', not a 'who'... Think about it! All the best...

 =  ...idyll..
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[01.Jul.05 15:23]
hey...yes, you have understood this poem...The idyll is in itself is soft only in the bitter-sweet memory...
But, I cannot change it, due to the fact, that although we talk about a corpse, the memory of the person to whom it belonged, is the one that entrapes the poet...
All the best, and good luck at the bac exam,

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