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 =  white butterflies...
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[13.Jul.05 00:06]
the image of the white butterflies is pure...and adds a soft touch of brilliance to this poem...which sounds precious and delicate...indeed, not even the darker elements do not imprint to this poem any sorts of sadness...i really liked it...
the butterflies are free...
all the best,

 =  Roxana!
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[14.Jul.05 08:01]
I really appreciate how you liked my poem, I switched from scythe, away from my old pen name "death scythe", I discovered to my inner self that I know something aside from discovering only the agony and morbidness...Now I decided to Voyage into my brightest cosmos... In which I will find my flame that lights my dimness world.

Thanks, Best wishes

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