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 =  Encrypted...
[21.Jul.05 16:28]
Very sad; But I think I understand the sentiment... About the blue eyes; As you probably know, the muse always has blue eyes; Thats why it's so easy to get lost in them... As far as the "Queen Of Heaven" just a metaphore to capture a certain intangible sentiment... I hope this helps a little.. as far as "Visage" again the battle scenes are metaphors to explain that inner strugle that was assaulting the fragile heart of the poet.. Besides, the Poem is encrypted... If you just align certain letters in the right way, it spells a Name, hence the key to what the poem is all about.... All the best, Blue Eyed Lady... Flavius....

 =  Evolution
Edilberto González Trejos
[20.Jul.05 16:07]
Simply cosmic and inner delving!
Roxana, I do.


 =  Very Clever...
[22.Jul.05 19:42]
I understand Now; Very Clever using the verse to describe your eyes.... I am not upset, not at all... I am flattered.. Thank you, sincerely..
Yes I meant your poem had a certain melancholy sadness to it.. Just my opinion..
All the best.. Flavius..

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