Members comments:

 =  unclear..
Corina Gina Papouis
[27.Oct.09 11:54]
love worms her belly or love warms her belly? i mean sometimes we do get worms in the belly but hopefully this is not the case for your crazy woman...:)

 =  corina gina papouis !
Andrei - Tiberiu Mãjeri
[27.Oct.09 21:39]
in the original text was "warms" but i changed it into "worms". I find it more interesting!

 =  :)
Corina Gina Papouis
[27.Oct.09 21:44]
well, I guess i warmed up to your worms..I see it going well as a verb...with the rest of the text.

 =  .
Veronica Valeanu
[29.Oct.09 19:55]
I see something like this:

[that love,worming its way into/etc]
[i haven't seen her for a long time]
[what lies will she come up with]

 =  thanks!
Andrei - Tiberiu Mãjeri
[30.Oct.09 20:48]
thank you veronica valeanu for you very interesting interpretation!

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