Comentariile membrilor:

 =  KKS
Veronica Valeanu
[17.May.10 19:09]
here you are, anatomizing slices of the being like a surgeon!
there's also a saturnian approach, deeply embedded
i like very much the fact that the text is built on the verge of making the reader millimetrically mistaking the self-sufficiency for deescalating self-sufficiency

smth that is too explicit: [impuissant ego] and [interior being]. at the same time you might be careful of not abusing the adjective.
you could also skip some '"I"s here and there.

I like that [orotund shadow].

 =  Regards
Kuldeep Kumar Srivastava
[18.May.10 10:56]
Thanks V V. I hold your comments in high esteem. These improve me.
Warm Regards KK

 =  self-perception
Dely Cristian Marian
[19.May.10 14:31]
i like this poetry. seems that love encounters itself in many corners, visible or not. alienates wrathfulness.
i saw a little of myself too there, and it brought me inmost rest.

with consideration,
a friend

 =  thanks
Kuldeep Kumar Srivastava
[19.May.10 19:07]
Marian, thanks for reading my poem and commenting. Pl be regular.

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