Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Instead of hello
Virgiliu B. Marin
[24.Aug.10 18:03]
Hi everibody able to read my happening! Hope you are ok, hope you enjoy the moments of Life, wich almost everitime is Here, Now..

 =  welcome new member
Veronica Valeanu
[24.Aug.10 18:21]
we also wish you to enjoy good moments here.

i took the liberty of breaking up the text in conformity with your slashes. if you disagree, just tell me.

some cliches in the descriptive part.
a repetition that seems useless there, you could use an adv.

please read the rules of the site, send no more than 2 texts per day and post only comments in English.
all the best,

 =  Is good to be home
Virgil B. Marin
[27.Aug.10 21:44]
Hi Veronica! Thank you for adjustments, you are the boss aniway:))) Ill see what I can do with my jem:)

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Înapoi !