Members comments:

 =  Philomena
Veronica Valeanu
[31.Aug.10 18:02]

i think that when writing it you had from the very beginning the image, the effects, the counter-effects, the atmosphere etc. and you wanted to cram everything in the text.
it's too much.
one can feel the need to look only at an aspect or 2 at a time, let invisible paths link. what i'm saying here could be contradicted by the theme (scarecrow) but you could envisage that generally speaking.
by decongesting the atmosphere you could trigger turning some ingredients into effects.

 =  Thanks for your input!
Philomena van Rijswijk
[31.Aug.10 23:30]
Okay...I'll have a think about it. Some of what I put in is for the sound and the language...maybe I get carried away with the words, sometimes...and the links...

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