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dan zafir
[07.Feb.12 17:21]
Somber, yet true... your Sense.
However,one can't help but notice a bit of unclear demarcation between the fiziological(physical) and spiritual, i.e. "An empty place of solid fibers"

"We're visitors in our body
And willingly we slaughter all its worth
For one more breath of time and sorrow,
To forth delay returning to our shell"

Are you talking Ego as visitor? Spirit? And who returns back to the shell?
I like to believe that from the Infinite we spring in order to enter the shell of Existence(matter, flesh, human)... and back to Infinity we get released after Human Existence.
There would be a ton more to discuss, please forgive my audacity in suggesting anything... time, however, is running short. Be in good thought!

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