Members comments:

 =  bridges...
Romulus Campan
[21.Jan.13 10:44]
Hi Cristina,

I was looking forward for a next one of your texts, and by all means it was worth waiting!
Intricate analysis of opposites, with existentialism's sometimes surreal labyrinths considered from a very realistic angle...
A distinct note is given by the two worlds you write from and about: the first one through its rather "over this earth" imagery and scent of feelings, the other one more earthly, through the presence of your classical bay now, coffee:-) and sweets... Interesting note given by the "twice a year" note, which builds a rather stern emotional bridge onto the conclusion stanza, which re-writes Oz from the TinMan's searching perspective, willingly or unwillingly writing his journey's story, the story being the very "fuel"...

Worth reading!


 =  circles
Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu
[21.Jan.13 12:43]
Thanks for the interpretation and for the recommendation.
I only tried to write about my poems and to explain the way I write them in this short poem. I forgot to say that,(usually), my poems aim to be full circles of understanding or describing a state of mind, a story, a feeling. Sometimes I try to leave this goal behind. This is very close to your idea about bridges. But I admit that no one can paint a complete picture of his life in a single poem.
And the opposites are there, exactly like you said. I used such juxtapositions many times in my writings.

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