Members comments:

 =  a time to remember
ion amariutei
[10.Sep.05 09:45]
father is someone
who'll never tell you that
wings are a lie
and so are parallel universes

between my shoulder blades
only this pale version of reality
flapping along like a ghost

like an angel not quite ready
to be born

it hurt more
when my father's friend
died just after him

in the same spring

thanks for your reminder, oriana, just felt like borrowing your verses to soothe my own mood...

 =  leap leap
Motoc Lavinia
[20.Sep.05 18:36]
I feel the goosebumps on my skin, as a normal reaction (I hope...) not only to two good poems but also to the thought of my own father.
I like the aparent neutral voice of the author which leaves room to the emotions of the reader. I recall the technique from ' reading in the dark'. I think the effect of the lack of motion is very beneficial.

 =  father
Diana Pacuraru
[30.Sep.05 16:54] words to describe it...full of passion...of light...and truth...i just liked it so much, it's very good. i like the combining of words, everything. beautiful poem.

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