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 =  'Stairway to Heaven'
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[16.Sep.05 11:41]
Nice walk on this 'Stairway to Heaven'... Everything seems to melt so perfectly in your poem, you manage to give a certain glamour to all of those celestial elements you insert between the main feelings... I think I'm gonna take another one thousand steps through your starry painting... I liked it! All the best...

 =  celestial wandering
Edilberto González Trejos
[26.Sep.05 00:00]
Exquisite text where you lead the reader on a cosmic walk, wandering among the stardust and the celestial light.
A good point from Bastian "Stairway to Heaven"... no better words could I choose!
Write on Eugenia (that`s my Granma`s Name) ;o)


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