Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Under the Chasm
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[07.Oct.05 11:31]
is a Black hole....Destitute, Nugatory, meaningless, all these agony is concealed by such a furious circumstances, the yesterday of your existence, good one, perhaps it's my pleasure to read your work with such genuine approach...

 =  Exquisite blend
Edilberto González Trejos
[07.Oct.05 20:25]
There is an exquisite blend of flow, rhyme and POETRY filling it all, Johanne.


 =  Darkness scattered in the mist
Johanne Farmer
[11.Oct.05 22:35]
Joshua, Songo,

Once the void reveres into faith ... the pages may be written once more in harmony with one's soul.

Your words soothe my poetic heart !


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