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 =  do not...
andreea l.
[25.Oct.05 14:17]
...shut the eyes in the cupboard

+ good work
ion amariutei
[09.Nov.05 20:18]
very good poem, just a little shy of being great. i say that mainly because of a slight discordance between style and message. when using short, "fractured" sentences, you have to pay greater attention to each word you're using.

the first two verses are very powerful: "bullets running down his throat/ in laughter". but they're followed by an inconsequential, obscure metaphor: "spineless/ the bunker sacrament/ no antidote"

the third stanza i think is the weakest link: it tells us explicitly that you're talking about a mental patient: "the wheelchair wars/ were never fought outside the ward" (again, using a metaphor not very well matched to the message, "in pitch dark/ use no prayer"). i would have preferred a more subtle approach, a general suggestion that could make me identify with your hero, rather than a "story line"

liked everything after that

 =  just for the record
andreea l.
[10.Nov.05 17:35]
thanks,Ion. i really appreciate your comment.

 =  Muse on your side
Edilberto González Trejos
[10.Nov.05 20:26]
You are now on a higher stage concerning Your Work!
Setting new standards do us all good.
Just write on, the Muse is on your side


 =  no
andreea l.
[17.Nov.05 14:29]
no muse ever came into question. the sign : do not disturb.
i went mad. that would be all there is

no, songo. saludos. "may the force be with you" ('cos it certainly ain't with me)

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