Comentariile membrilor:

 =  these lonely road
Muºat Dana
[22.Oct.05 15:30]
I think is an incredible poetry, the images are very well build.
Of course i'm just a begginer here, but my senses are telling me that this text is about feeling, sensibility.

I'm from Romania. My poetry isn't very good, but my prose is allright. Despide this, i must confese that "Tears of inert clouds" is a simple image, but a beautiful one, everytime.

 =  Gracias.!!
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[23.Oct.05 10:03]
thanks for the comment, I guess you've seen an image out of my text, It's a pleasure to hear from such a fine romanian, that my text is nice, perhaps I believe that language is not a hinder in poetry, you can either be powerful even if you are not a native speaker of a certain language!

thnx again for the comment and compliment

 =  silver darkness
Edilberto González Trejos
[24.Nov.05 00:59]
Ditto to Dana.
In addition, there is always that sublime touch of silver darkness, like a plated rainbow in the dark


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