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 =  Nice to see you again!
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[23.Oct.05 10:13]

Long time i haven't seen you around, here in agonia, Andrada. I guess you've been very busy lately!

as of the poem, It give me my own sense of evasion, which keeps on bugging as he/she try to find his/her own existence/self

**Doppelganger** the sense of....

 =  Josh :)
[25.Oct.05 04:47]
I'm glad you haven't forgot me :)..Yeah..i'm having a hard year at school..since is my last one in the highschool.
I'm glad you liked my poem..although it's not so good. I don't really like the way i wrote it..but has some sparkle in it...Thanks again for stoping here !
Best wishes,

 =  Infinite lying underneath
Edilberto González Trejos
[25.Oct.05 18:38]
Nice to see the suggestions on the endless...
There is depth beneath and beyond the verses


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