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 =  Question (???)
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[10.Dec.05 15:09]
who is blake anyway, is he your own character?

is this a fiction of yours?

or half related to something?

Advance Merry Christmas

 =  William Blake
Edilberto González Trejos
[10.Dec.05 16:29]
Hi Josh,
It´s WILLIAM BLAKE, an English poet and visionary. One of my favourite writers!
He wrote an English Anthem called precisely JERUSALEM, quite mystical and great.
It´s my conversation with W. BLAKE ;o)


 =  Exquisite Connection *Epitome*
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[11.Dec.05 03:25]
Ah, I see
I'm really sorry for not knowing your favorite author.
on behalf of your text, it is really an honor. I feel the collaboration, your connection towards Blake, the intense of your *Idealization*[Apotheosis]

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Înapoi !