Comentariile membrilor:

 =  (A+)
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[02.Jan.06 09:57]
Wow, this one is really great, for me! I liked it so much,

if i were Pandora’s box,
don’t you know what i’d keep inside?
U just gotta know
that deep inside of me
I feel the same way for you!

I'll give it a very inspiring verdict, keep it up!

"Here is the applause"(***)!
I'll keep an eye on ur other texts!

 =  sheer doubt
felix nicolau
[14.Apr.06 02:28]
beautiful, innovating images,similes and metaphors. I also appreciate your shoot-to-thrill way of thinking.The last stanza,I like it and don't.How is this possible

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