Los comentarios de los miembros:

 =  Misspellings
John Willy Kopperud
[15.Sep.07 20:30]

...mystify, simplify and blessed, if blessed is the term
you wished to use...

Greetings from Willy

 =  spelling
Roxana Eugenia Breazu
[16.Sep.07 00:03]
yep, thanks for the two...the other stays blissful

 =  Just one little...
John Willy Kopperud
[16.Sep.07 09:24]

...Well, then, if you just put the L before the I you should be finished.

Greetings from Willy

 =  thanks
Roxana Eugenia Breazu
[16.Sep.07 11:20]
it escaped me

 =  Roxana -
Edilberto González Trejos
[01.Dec.07 00:29]
Good verses, senseful point, I particularly love the music in them.


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!!Vuelta !