Comentariile membrilor:

 =  brain damage
andreea l.
[11.Apr.06 10:20]
void void


 =  beyond brains...
Edilberto González Trejos
[11.Apr.06 15:03]
the essence of air
dancing with sweet
of an improbable
brain left behind
in the fire within,
"the paper in fire"


 =  I, inspiring
andreea l.
[13.Apr.06 12:29]
i'm good as a muse


 =  Signs
John Willy Kopperud
[07.Oct.06 02:37]
...You're ready to go now? Go cat go!

And thanks for your comment on In the Belly - Edilberto.
I was walking to the subway from work that day when I caught a glimpse of the crossroad between religion and entertainment!

Cheerio from Willy

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