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 =  In the mythical horizon/a royal salute...
Marius Surleac
[10.Mar.08 10:46]
Very beautiful is this description of Wright Brothers expectation - first flight with human aboard ever made.
The arm that rose which represents the royal salute that opened a new era for the fly machines.
Nice job Willy!

 =  Indeed; "one waxdripping arm rose", Marius, and...
John Willy Kopperud
[10.Mar.08 18:36] belonged to Icarus, the prince in the greek myth.
Thank you very much for your comment!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Indeed Willy...
Marius Surleac
[10.Mar.08 21:13]
I knew that was about Icarus that fall down from the sky because of the wax melted by the hot sun beams.
Cheers my friend!

 =  cheers chris
Christopher Thripp
[12.Mar.08 21:44]
great job willy...

 =  Thanks a lot, Chris! The great inventions and the myths...
John Willy Kopperud
[15.Mar.08 16:56]

...may be worth some alaboration in the future as well,

We'll be reading each other!

 =  cheers willy
Christopher Thripp
[15.Mar.08 18:30]
I will look forward to that ...

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