Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Lynn
Lynn West
[31.Mar.08 20:40]
nice one, my friend!

 =  beautiful poem Chris ... good job!
Marius Surleac
[28.Mar.08 15:17]
The poem is nice, the images provoked also but I don't understand to whom is addressed - God, Romantic Vibration, Heart, She? Who should light our path? Is just Hope or there's beyond something like the examples I put.
Thank you!
Cheers dear friend!
Have a nice day!

 =  thanks ...
Christopher Thripp
[28.Mar.08 15:46]
this is a about god marius ...i am not really that religious to be truthful.But i suppose i consider myself spiritual...

 =  absolutely true...
Marius Surleac
[28.Mar.08 15:48]
Thank you Chris! God is the entity I think about too.
Have a nice day Chris!

 =  thanks for the red twinkler.
Christopher Thripp
[01.Apr.08 03:40]
Thank you all for your comments.
To whom this may concern... you humble me again with a star.
thank you ...

 =  Perfect way to start the day
Regina Moore
[15.May.08 23:43]
Pretty great, love the way your words gave me what i needed to hear, thanks

 =  thank you very much regina....
Christopher Thripp
[16.May.08 04:06]
thank you regina...i am touched by your comments if my words can move something in someone then i have achieved the best that i can hope for .. where did my red twinkler go for this poem and why off recommended list ?????

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