Members comments:

 =  Ultimate Octopus!
Marius Surleac
[23.Apr.08 11:48]
The Octopus more like a flea in the head of United States (US), his mad eyes spreading terror in a silenced vacuum.
I like the perspective you drew, a Hitler behind the stage that can wear any shape and color he wants, a bird made by lead hanging like an Octopus upon the states under German occupation in the WWI.
The Final is the most expressive: He is the Mouth that brings panic, disease, the ultimate thirst for the power echoed by the awful Howl!

Nice work Dan, and I like your particular way of writing, is a tough one!

All the best in the world and waiting for more!

 =  thx for passing by
dan marius
[23.Apr.08 12:51]
we love to personify evil. to give it size and shape. and the size and shape of a man, of one man, is convenient. and that's when we become hysterical. and above all, motivated. it's like.. hatred wants to laugh.
you read United States. I wrote US. You read colors, I wrote terrorist alert levels :-)
thanks for passing by

 =  you're welcome...
Marius Surleac
[23.Apr.08 12:59]
Yes you're right, but when you wrote us with capital letters I thought to be United States. About colors I didn't figured that you've meant the alert levels. Perfectly true but the text can create a lot of ideas for each writer as you mentioned above, but only you know the original meaning.


 =  yeap
dan marius
[23.Apr.08 13:10]
and that's the beauty of it. there's no original meaning. I interpreted it just like you did. subjectively.

 =  yes,
Mike Aspros
[23.Apr.08 18:34]
I read a lot of the meaning similar to the conversation above, and mostly for me, was the use of the words 'bended knees', which meant to me a song of fear. Oppressive powers use it to get what they want, yet its power is half or minimal (as you mention a flea) to optimism, love, empowerment, etc...

Good work Dan, you inspired me to flip through my journal where I wrote some observations looking at the american flag. Your poem inspired me to write 'American' last night. Thank you for sharing and giving me inspiration.

best, Mike

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