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 =  You keep delivering good poems, Lee Ann...
John Willy Kopperud
[13.Jun.08 17:45] this one. I guess there are more ways of interpreting it, but to me it seems to convey nostalgia, hope and love.
Interesting in the sense that the lost requiems as I see it do not reflect utter misery. In the last line you had a small accident. I think it must be OUR feet.
Cheers from Willy

 =  sad pandas in the sky with diamonds
Lee Ann Hardt
[26.Jun.08 03:47]
First of all, sorry for the typo, I was in a hurry.
Indeed, it is nostalgia breathing in and out, in fact "nostalgia ain't what it used to be" :)
Thanks a lot for the feedback and sorry it's so sad.

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