Comentariile membrilor:

 =  !
Corina Gina Papouis
[06.Dec.08 16:51]
beautiful and flawless this text, words are written/ painted on this canvas with such ease...
I hope you have plenty of red tea for more visions like this!

 =  thank you Corina
Vicleanu Mihaita
[06.Dec.08 17:47]
I really appreciate your comment. I'm planning a trip to India to bring some more tea :P...thank you once more, for your words.
Kind regards, Mihai

+ perspectives
Marius Surleac
[07.Dec.08 12:44]
I wonder - that tea was made of opium? The stance for this poem, as I see it, gathers around a shaman spirit like - makes me think to the Asian or Australian tribes, where some members act into a ritual for the next level of maturity. In their meditative state of mind they experience something really weird, they actually can see and talk with their gods. Here, in your poem, I sense some Buddhism issues. But all is transposed in a certain romantic shape. As the title says - there is only "appearance" and something beyond. The "red tea" is curative, but here I think is like a remedy for the soul.

I like it!

Well done and congrats Mihai!


 = are an amazing reader...
Vicleanu Mihaita
[07.Dec.08 12:52]
I m really touched by your comment...i feel humble and yet strong, you seem to have caught your words, str8 from my mind...i THANK YOU for describing so well my feeling...

My best Regards, Mihai

 =  !
Marius Surleac
[07.Dec.08 12:53]
P.S. From now on you can use HTML tools.

 =  .
Vicleanu Mihaita
[07.Dec.08 20:50]
thank you Marius

 =  creator in love with his creation
Simona Sumanaru
[08.Dec.08 01:02]
I'd say:

more tea will bring you back to life
more steam and I could hold your hand
adorn your fragile heart
with the love born for you

From me, same-o, same-o: love your ideas, have a problem with too much "grammar". Strip your poems of any extra stuff, let them live & flow. They're good.

 =  :)
Vicleanu Mihaita
[21.Dec.08 22:37]
I thank you for liking my ideas....i know about too much grammar...:d....i'm trying to simplify things...thank you for the same o, it does sound better...
my kind regards, Mihai

 =  :)
Vicleanu Mihaita
[21.Dec.08 22:37]
I thank you for liking my ideas....i know about too much grammar...:d....i'm trying to simplify things...thank you for the same o, it does sound better...
my kind regards, Mihai

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