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+ it's about the time...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[21.Jan.09 02:32]

this is one of your outstandingly best poems.
Your unaltered style, yet grown to my delight. When something's good, I so much hate morsels alone.
Oh, I do not understand much of the history behind it.
But even so, it sang, and something in me heard it.


I wish you would just end pulling back your previous works.
I just can't do what I now so much would love to...

 =  romulus
dan marius
[21.Jan.09 16:57]
thank you. I'm so glad you liked it. well, it's a sort of an imaginary letter/story inspired by a song called Upside, by the British rock band James. I think it could have a lot of meanings and I would like it to resonate, well to act like a resonator and thus to take form in the imagination of the reader. I thought of rock music, revolt, the senselessness of my generation, the future and so on.
I pulled back the texts because I didn't like them anymore. Thanks again. For reading the poem and for your nice words.

 =  would you maybe reconsider?
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[21.Jan.09 20:51]
Hi Dan,

You are right about pulling back what YOU don't like anymore. But what about US, your readers? What if WE like them still?
As writer you do have some obligations too, besides your unaltered rights.
I must confess it took me some time to understand your style, so other than mine. And as I understood, I came to genuinely like some of your poetry. I'm sure there might be some others, outside on the same limb...
Please reconsider.

With true consideration.

 =  very true
Marius Surleac
[21.Jan.09 22:09]
I sustain Romulus' opinion here - I do like your style too and I think there are others that proved during time to like your poems. Your style is very different than others' and this is good. It denotes also a strong note of mystery, often it wears a surrealist shape, also is a bit fragmented (which from my point of view is very good - making the readers to think about its meanings) and not the last the toughness that many times sustains better its construction for each kind of perspective.

This poem flows very well till its end, I like the British influence though, the dynamic of the frames, the anger, the subtle symbols and also the influence of music.

Well done Dan!


 =  signs
Simona Sumanaru
[22.Jan.09 12:49]
in flooded New Orleans, a friend of mine took a picture of his fave music joint. It was open. The band was dead. In front of it, a bearded guy held up a sign that read: 'Life Goes On?'

sign: broken glass or windowpanes forecast a great quarrel for the early Kreyols down in Louisiana

your story is most generous with meaning. took me back & forth in time... different settings, same outcome. what generation did you say you were?

 =  romulus, marius, simona
dan marius
[22.Jan.09 19:26]
I must confess I feel a little strange, because somehow it seems easier for me to react to negative feedback.
But this is me... Sometimes I'm stupid.
I would also like to use this as an opportunity to apologize for what I said in the past. I somehow feel I owed that to you. This being said, I am indeed flattered by your interest in my work and I promise I will try to re-post some texts in a few days. I didn't want this to sound so "politcally correct" but I sincerely felt the need to apologize. so...

my texts are literally made of music.. or built around it. Glad you saw that.

well, I suppose I'm a proud representative of generation X been doing some research on wikipedia :) So 1979 it is.
Interesting picture from New Orleans.

 =  offtopic
Marius Surleac
[22.Jan.09 19:31]
Dan, if you want to re-post the texts please tell me which of them? You have my correspondence address written at the bottom of my biography so you can contact me and we can talk then.


 =  dear dan marius
Simona Sumanaru
[23.Jan.09 15:14]
so a 79er, huh? good age, the age of inner change

only a beautiful mind and a beautiful soul could care for dying butterflies, slaughtered pigs or comatosed cities. Rooting for you along with everybody else to see all your poems on here again. Been telling you I love them. Plus a little pressure from your fans can't really do you harm :-)

 =  Busted flat in Baton Rouge...
John Willy Kopperud
[23.Jan.09 22:13]
...waiting for a the opening line from "Me & Bobby Mc Gee written by Kris Kristofferson and made vocally immortal by Janis. That's the link here between the latter part of the sixties and the times ten years later. Here I also find a bit of Keystone Cops and the leaning on the rainbow makes me think of the war jazz-tune "Paper Moon." All this only to say that you have a lot going for you in this one, Dan Marius! And this goes for me too, some of your contributions on this site have been top notch!
Whatever you choose to do, keep writing!
Cheeers from Willy

 =  honoured... (confessions)
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[24.Jan.09 21:59]
Hi Dan,

I am deeply honoured by your attitude. When I previously wrote that I rather slowly came to understand your poetry, I quietly confessed, that some of my previous evaluation were probably the product of my little contact with your style, and my editorial unexperience.

The "mosquito jazz crawl" still hunts me:-)

I truly appreciate your willingness to reconsider reposting.

Realy honoured to have my work published on the same pages with yours.

I've learned SO much from many publishing here, lessons for life, as pastor, teacher and artist. Without the support, encouragement, helpful critique and yes, conflicts, I would be deffinitely poorer.

Thank you Dan, thanks guys...

 =  I second that statement about conflicts, Romulus!
John Willy Kopperud
[30.Jan.09 21:01]
Let's admit it; where would we be without them?
Cheers from Willy

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