Comentariile membrilor:

 =  elf
Horia Mocanu
[17.Mar.09 21:12]
mozart as an elf king...very nice, i can almost see the magic of his music. i must say that i find this history of music in poetry ideea very interesting. hope you take all the way.

 =  Mozart...
John Willy Kopperud
[17.Mar.09 21:40]
...has had an influence in me equal to that of Brian Wilson and Lennon/McCartney, Horia. Elf king, boy genius and vulgar
joker are three of his incarnations. The Masks? Those have a lot to do with greek drama and commedia dell arte. Going all the way? I'll certainly try to do that, not in a chronological sense, rather in the capacity of an emotionally engaged storyteller. Thanks a lot for your
enthusiastic comment!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Mozart
Dan Serbanescu
[31.Mar.09 21:17]
Mozart had the habit to compose musik on the spot and tell bluntly his opinion about somebodie's way of singing, even if he was a king.
Musical thoughts from Dan

 =  Thank you, Dan...
John Willy Kopperud
[31.Mar.09 21:19]
...for your comment upon this little ode to the mighty Amadeus.
Cheers from Willy

 =  As lutherans, roman catholics and anglicans...
John Willy Kopperud
[11.Apr.09 15:41]
...await the celebration of Christ's resurrection tomorrow, I'd like to express my gratitude to the giver of the red star!
Cheers from Willy

 =  gunsel djemal
[25.Apr.09 15:15]
Great! Willy i enjoyed reading it.

 =  Inside my head the themes...
John Willy Kopperud
[25.Apr.09 16:48]
...from "Eine kleine" are still repeated regularly.Thanks a lot for your appreciation, Gunsel!
Cheers from Willy

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