Comentariile membrilor:

 =  mahler
felix nicolau
[27.Nov.06 23:21]
very refined without being opressive.

 =  Superior esthetics - Annie
Edilberto González Trejos
[29.Nov.06 16:58]
Heartfelt with a superior esthetics.
I love the way you melt the ethereal musical winds along with the everlasting letters.



 =  Mahler and Bruckner
Anne Brunelle
[04.Dec.06 20:09]
Hi Felix,
I agree entirely with you, Mahler is wonderfully romantic. I am particularly fond of his 5th symphony, especially the adagietto which moves me to no end. And although Bruckner is quite different, I find the 1st movement of the 4th symphony "Romantic" quite joyful and light. I wouldn't say that those are my two favourite composers, but I certainly like them a lot.

 =  Special friend
Anne Brunelle
[04.Dec.06 20:10]
Hi Songo,
thank you for your very thoughtful comment. Nick was a wonderful friend and a special man who enjoyed life at its fullest. No poem will ever reflect that but I tried in this one to put into words the pleasures that we shared.
Cheers, Annie

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