Comentariile membrilor:

 =  do go on
felix nicolau
[03.Dec.06 15:21]
interesting this shakespearian meditation. i like the quality of your language and your ability to play with the words and poetical shapes

 =  hello
Heghedus Camelia
[04.Dec.06 20:08]
Felix, from time to time, you help me to trust a little more in me and this is something that I always need. I hope that I won’t overstep. Thank you very much.

 =  Complex and well-woven
Edilberto González Trejos
[04.Dec.06 18:23]
The structure is quite complex but impressively well-woven.
Love prevails.


 =  indeed
Heghedus Camelia
[06.Dec.06 01:55]
If health exists, love prevails, indeed. Thank you. Gracias my friend.

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