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 =  Thirst Quenching Philosophy
Edilberto González Trejos
[04.Jan.07 16:22]
Cosmic & Universal, I see "the other" as Spanish Major Poet MACHADO said.
A philosophy brought to us in the shape of vital water to quench our thirst & agony.
Johanne, This is a great Piece--- worth translating!
What do you think?

Happy New Year


 =  Many others within the self.
Johanne Farmer
[06.Jan.07 13:49]
Dear Songo, I agree for you to translate my poetry in your wonderful Spanish language. It will honor me.

Complexity of the self soothes an artist soul in finding all his/her "Others".

I don't know Machado's work. I will look for it.
I'm still an apprentice in poetry ... but I cherish its depth.

Happy poetic trail for 2007 !


John Willy Kopperud
[05.Jan.07 12:15]

A glorious journey into the space of the soul. Thank you,
Johanne! Congratulations!

Happy new year from Wipperud

 =  Complexity of the self, a beauty
Johanne Farmer
[06.Jan.07 01:30]
Dear Songo ... our complex being add flavour to the soul.
The eye may pass it by but the inner self cherishes connecting to all facets of the soul.

I would be honored to have you translate this poetry in your beautiful Spanish language. Please go ahead.

A Happy New Year to you as well ! Johanne

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